Saturday, September 15, 2018

Ayurveda’s Advice to Prevent Cancer

Cancer is counted in the most lethal and dangerous diseases that happens due to the accumulation of toxins in the body over time near a specific tissue or organ. Cancerous cells can influence the functioning of surrounding tissues and organs. These cells are immortal and protected from immunity. Also, they spread really fast that it can soon reach other parts of the body.

The medical science treats cancer through chemotherapy and surgical methods. However, even after being very expensive and painful, these treatments don’t fully assure the treatment of cancer.

So, is there any better alternative available to treat cancer? Yes, of course- Ayurveda.

It is the most ancient healing therapy in the world which primarily focuses on promoting health rather than healing the disease. You must have heard about the statement “Prevention is better than cure.” Ayurveda works on the same principle and the people who take Ayurveda training in Kerala to strictly follow this principle to stay fit. Ayurveda provides a more effective way of healing cancer through various techniques like yoga, meditation, herbal medication, and a healthy diet.

Also, a concept of Ayurveda called “Panchakarma” is an excellent method for the treatment of cancer. But, as mentioned above, Ayurveda aims to boost immunity and health to prevent the disease from happening. So, here are some tips right from the books of Ayurveda to prevent cancer:
  • Eat freshly cooked food and add more green vegetables in your daily diet.
  • Only consume fresh fruits and vegetables.
  • Perform meditation and yoga on a regular basis.
  • Even psychological trauma and stress can lead to cancer. Hence, you should take somatic bodywork training in India to get back to the normal state of mind.
  • Add green tea into your diet plan as it prevents cancerous cells from growing.
  • Avoid sugary foods as much as possible.
  • Eat high sources of vitamin C like amla and lemon as it helps to fight various types of cancers.
  • Turmeric and Garlic are also very effective in preventing the growth of cancer cells.

Ayurveda is nothing but a way of living life naturally. It helps in developing our relationship with nature which ultimately leads to a healthy life.

So, do you want to dig deeper into Ayurveda?

“Aithein Healing” is an ideal destination to learn about several Ayurvedic concepts. They conduct many different Ayurveda courses in Goa like marma therapy, Indian head massage, sound healing, and nadiprana yoga. Moreover, they’ll provide you with a government approved certificate once you have completed the course. So, contact them and book a course now.

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